California takes its energy efficiency standards seriously. The state revisits and updates its Title 24 Building Energy and Efficiency Standards every three years. The latest update was in 2022, and the process for the next update has already started on the state’s website.
What Is Title 24?
The California Energy Commission decided to move the state’s energy use to use Zero Net Energy, or ZNE, for all new commercial and residential buildings. This initiative aims to have at least half of the state energy efficient by 2030. A more ambitious goal is to have total renewable energy in the state by 2045.
Ultimately, the state would like to have most of its buildings reliant solely on solar power. Any time something new is built or renovated, Title 24 compliance must be met from now on.
Are There Title 24 HVAC Requirements?
Since HVAC involves heating and cooling using energy, it falls under Title 24 requirements. Any new installation or upgrade must meet a more efficient and “greener” energy use. Some changes the HVAC industry needs to meet can include the following:
- The temperature requirements for heating
- More efficient placement of condensers
- Air Conditioner placement away from heat sources
- Mandatory insulation on refrigerant lines for air conditioners
- Duct construction and sealing changes
- Entire building ventilation requirements
You will also need documentation to verify that your work is Title 24 compliant. You’ll need a certificate of installation, certificate of compliance, and certificate of HERS verification (third-party verification).
These requirements continue to change and evolve as the commission reevaluates energy consumption and efficiency standards every three years. Therefore, you’ll always want to hire an HVAC professional for your heating and cooling needs. They’ll know the current requirements and ensure that you meet them.
Other Energy Efficiency Standards
If you’re involved in new construction or renovations, you must meet Title 24 standards. When it comes to lighting, Title 24 requirements can include the following:
- Smart or automatic controls
- Outdoor ventilation systems
- Supply fan controls
- HVAC controls
- Compliant duct systems
- Lighting changes to meet standards
- Leak testing
- Controls that Detect occupants
- Control systems that optimize energy management
While this list can give you an idea of what your new construction will need to comply with, it’s only a sample of the Title 24 requirements. Your contractor, electrician, or HVAC specialist should be knowledgeable and get you to where you’ll have a good home energy rating system or HERS evaluation.
Know the Importance of a HERS Rating
The Home Energy Rating System is required to evaluate the energy efficiency of any new structures, additions, renovations, or other remodels. This process includes assessing all construction blueprints, completing an on-site evaluation, and testing all electrical and HVAC systems.
When You Need Help To Meet Title 24 Requirements
The best way to ensure your new structure, remodel, or other construction meets the Title 24 requirements in Twentynine Palms, CA, is to contact Wonder Electric Co. Inc. today. You can visit their website to check out their reviews to see why they’re the premier electric pros in the area. Call them at (760)367-2855 or fill out the form on their website today!